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Lemon Eclair Sunflower

This is a nicely spreading, branching 4'ft tall plant and pollen-free so it makes a mess-free cut flower. Pollen-free sunflowers were produced as this quality meant even allergic people could have a bouquet of sunflowers on their table, another plus is no unsightly pollen dropping onto the table. These flowers will still produce seeds if pollinated by a pollen-carrying bee or insect. The 4" blooms are distinctively double, lemon-colored, with chocolate brown centers. (F1)

20 seeds




Helianthus annuus


Germination:  7-14 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-75ºF.

Seed Planting Depth: Sow ½-1” deep

Starting Indoors: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Provide 70-75ºF soil temperature. Using peat, cow, or paper pots can help with the stress of transplanting, they grow delicate roots and successful transplanting may be challenging. Transplant after the last frost, 18-24" apart. Water seedlings regularly until established. 

Sowing Outdoors: After the last frost, when soil is over 70ºF. Sow a few seeds every- short and single stem varieties 6-12" apart, branching varieties 18-24" apart. Thin to the most robust seedling. Sow a few weeks later for continuous blooms

Growth Habit: Upright, Branching

Height and Width: 48" x 36"

Spacing: 18-24" apart

Light Needs:  Full sun

Soil Needs:  Loose, rich, well-drained

Approximate days to flower from seed: 65-75 days

Uses: Cut flowers and flower beds, short varieties-containers and planters, Attracts pollinators

Care:  Mix compost into the soil before sowing or transplanting. Adding too much nitrogen can cause plants to produce more foliage than flowers.